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The Best Free WordPress Theme for Blog, Magazine & Business

Finding best free WordPress theme takes lots of time and analysis. I chose the best and free theme after analyzing hundreds of themes. After experiencing, now I can recommend those theme. All the theme described here are free of cost and available in WordPress.

Why WordPress

WordPress is the best Content Management System (CMS). Nearly one forth of the websites are developed on WordPress.

  • WordPress is Free, open source

  • Easy to install, takes less than 5 minutes

  • Easy to manage, there are lots of video tutorials on YouTube

  • Lots of options for customization with themes and plugins, which are also free

WordPress Theme Categories

Most of the themes are developed for versatile usage. But I found that each theme has unique competitive edge for certain type of website. Like, Hueman theme is perfect for blogging but not suitable for company website. So I have made few categories and analyzed the themes for it's suitable category, those categories are:

  • Blogging Theme for personal blogging

  • Magazine Theme for news, magazine or multi-author websites

  • Business Theme for companies, organizations or social cause

Best Free Theme I Chose for Blogging

I checked and tried hundreds of free themes but for blogging Hueman is my favorite.

Why Hueman Theme:Hueman

Author Bio Box: Yes
Social Media Connected: Yes
Commenting: Nice
Large Post Image on Homepage: Yes
Homepage Slider: Yes
Header Ads Widget: Yes
Pingdom Tools Grade: 93%
Pingdom Tools Page Load Time: 1.07 seconds
Look & Feel: 9 out of 10
Vote by WordPress Community: 5 out of 5 stars by more than 400 users

Best Free Theme I Chose for Magazine

The best free theme for magazine is Color Mag. I used the theme in a web development project.

Why Color Mag Theme:

News Ticker at Top: YesColor Mag
Random Post Button: Yes
Homepage Slider: Yes
Featured Post Showcase: Yes
Category wise Arrangement: Yes
Balance on Image and Text: well balanced
Author Bio Box: Yes
Social Media Connected: Yes
Commenting: Nice
Large Featured Image: Yes
Header Ads Widget: Yes
Sidebar Ads Widget: Yes
Pingdom Tools Grade: 84%
Pingdom Tools Page Load Time: 2.27 seconds
Look & Feel: 9 out of 10
Vote by WordPress Community: 5 out of 5 stars by more than 100 users

You may also check Accesspress Mag which have many additional features but few drawbacks.

Best Free Theme I Chose for Business

Actually there are many themes that I chose for Business websites. I will rank Zerif Lite as the best free business theme.

Why Zerif Lite Theme:

Minimum Header Size: YesZerif Lite
Big Call to Action: Yes
Services on Homepage: Yes
Animation: Yes
Clients Showcase: Yes
Team Profile: Yes
Testimonials: Yes
Recent News: Yes
Contact on Homepage: Yes
Social Media Connected: Yes
Pingdom Tools Grade: 81%
Pingdom Tools Page Load Time: 1.16 seconds
Look & Feel: 9 out of 10
Vote by WordPress Community: 4.5 out of 5 stars by more than 80 users

You may also check following Business themes:

Please share your thoughts in comments.


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